weblog of 7. semester at AHO Interactiondesign

Monday, December 18, 2006

Digital dialogues

I am now working on a service for a norwegian food magazine on their website.
More to come……

Presence project

After helping out Stig Skjelvik on his Dobpler™ project, I really wanted to work on something analouge and sensorbased up against an answer to Peter Cook´s article on how low the actual activity level at AHO is. I mean, come on, it´s the place I´m spending five years studiyng my future at... We all agreed on coming up with and present our individual ideas over the weekend. This resulted in 3 main directions. The one We ended up with tracks the activity level and uses these data to generate trees over a period of two weeks. During this period the graphichal result changes colours, from red to yellow. As the project started out we tried to get a hold of the data produced by the access-card system at school. The fist response on this from AHO´s managment was positive, then turned out to be quite negative. So we ended up with two actual and active IR-sensors at the main entrance, functioning as a counter for the processingfile wich produces the trees in the sensors surroundings. To this we added four dummy sensors, witch are placed around at the ground floor in central doorways. These sensors where given a personality by how they look, and by speaking an abstract phrase when someone passes. The fact that these sensors are placed out of sight from the actual visual result gives the users the impression that they are in fact hooked up to the system.
The result can be viewed here.

Infomation architecture

Since I have a perticular interest in tv and digital media I wanted to look into some kind of navigation software or service. After a bit of research I chose Windows XP Mediasenter since this is the closest kind of service availeble here in Norway.
My report can be downloaded in PDF format here.

Game design

A project done with Knut, David and myself, we started out with a bird consept. The main idea was to manouver an adult bird around in air using a videocamera to detect armmovements, picking up worms. The adult bird was then going to feed 3-4 baby-birds, if this was not completed within a sirtain amount of time the babies would fall out of a nest and die. Gameplaywise the meaning here was to put the player under stress, the youngsters would scream louder and louder if not fed in time, and then ultimatly die, the amount of youngsters would count as lives. However this was not the final result, the task of getting graphics to play along with videosensors for arm-movement, witch controlled the adult bat (before this, a bird) was quite a challenge. So the final result was called "Transylvanian nights" where the game consisted of a bat flying around under a full moon eating insects. An active kind of a cleaning-game.
Video of gameplay can be found here